Lifting transport equipment Renewable energy Automated control systems Radiation and emission control Software development Electrical equipment and installations Non-standard equipment Analysis and design Subscription servicing and maintenance Commercial activitiesREFERENCES
“Кozloduy” NPP
”Belene” NPP
Nuclear Research Reactor IRT-2000
„ONET Technologies Bulgaria” Ltd
National Electric Company “Dams and cascades”
“Аquavak” Ltd – “Garvanitsa” hydro power plant
- ** Elaboration of methodology for aging determination of electrical equipment in units 1,2,3 and 4–Siemens
- ** Elaboration of technological regulation for spent fuel storage
- ** Safety analysis report of units 5 and 6, part – radiation control and radiation protection
- ** Participation in elaboration of technical documentation for safety related control systems
- ** Participation in development of aging determination of utilities for transport of spent nuclear fuel in storage facilities
- ** Installation of assemblies 5HG53÷5HG58; 5HG60÷5HG68 and 6HG60÷6HG68”, installation design – safety analysis report
- ** Safety analysis report of switches
- ** Participation in expert and consultancy group, responsible for technical design evolution
- ** Safety analysis report of the detailed plan for partial dismantling of the research reactor
- ** Licensing and construction project for National radioactive waste repository in Saligny, Romania
- -- Technical design and tender documentation preparation
- ** Expertise and technical evaluation of elevators.
- ** Elaboration of technical and constructive documentation, manufacture, delivery, construction and installation works of the water filter “Coanda”
2015 "Partners Engineering" Ltd.